After graduation from Veterinary School at Kansas State University, I reconnected with an old friend with whom I had shown horses with growing up. She was into AKC Obedience and watching her with her amazing UD French Bulldog easily got me “hooked”. My first Obedience dog was a handsome black Standard Poodle who became a UDT. That dog led me to meeting my future husband, becoming a Tracking Judge, getting my first Belgian Tervuren who became the first of many generations that we still breed and compete with today. Along the way, I also became an Obedience and Rally Judge, and accumulated many Breed Champions, OTCH, MACHs, and a DC with many individual titles as well. I simply love performance events with our dogs. The satisfaction of team work and seeing the success of their learning the skills that are being developed in any sport is heaven to me
Thank you to the Bulldog Club of America for honoring me with the invitation to judge at your Specialty. May each team enjoy their day and make memories to cherish. Best of luck to you all!
Jeanne Ramirez DVM