Who would have guessed, as a teenager 70 years ago, while judging various categories from vegetables to livestock competitively in 4-H I would be judging my second BCA National intersex in 2025. The judging of livestock competitively continued into my college years. I personally feel it was a great way for me to develop the mental processes to evaluate what one is charged with evaluating. Needless to say I consider it a great honor to be given the opportunity to judge the 2025 BCA National.
Our first bulldog was purchased off a doubled decked pickup truck load of dogs the person was trying to sell to the University of Missouri Veterinary School, anatomy department. That was my second year (1964) in veterinary school. I started a mixed animal practice in February 1968. Over the years I did C-sections on multiple species of animals, including many bulldogs. I can say that I have been the first one to touch some great dogs. Some that come to mind are Ch. Doc’s Wabash Cannonball, Ch. Doc’s Orange Blossom Special and Ch. Millcoat’s Obadiah. In fact when I took Blossom out of the uterus I told Nancy here is our Orange Blossom Special. That has always been one of my favorite pieces of music. That is how our hall of fame train gang litter was named using trains as the theme. After 16 years I left practice and spent the next 20 years with USDA, in food safety. I am retired now, with the exception of lots of gardening, house maintenance and tending to our farm that has been in the family since 1915.
Nancy and I have been married since September 2, 1962. She has been my number one supporter from business, our dog life and now our retired life where we both rely on each other for our daily activities. Needless to say she was a super mother for our three children Barron, Todd and Stacey who is still active in BCA. Stacey and I are the second father daughter team in bulldogs to judge.
Again, this is a great honor and good luck to all of the exhibitors and I look forward to seeing everyone.
John Gann, DVM